In my second audio production class, Radio Magazine Production (RTVF 42), I learned a lot about the form of radio magazine. Once a month our class put together a roughly 30min-1hr magazine radio show, based around a central topic. Sometimes students would team up for a piece of the magazine, but mostly everybody made an individual piece then submitted it for editing into a larger show. The attached audio comes from the second issue that our class produced, with a theme of "life and death." Each student in the class produced an individual piece on this theme, which they turned into me as "producer." I was then responsible for editing what was given to me, putting it together into one cohesive show, and narrating to create flow into each piece (actually I chose to that, but only because I did not want to direct a classmate's narration...). Some of the pieces submitted were very interesting, and I enjoyed what was a long night of editing and recording. This one is pretty long (about 33 minutes), but please give it a listen when you've got a little more time on your hands.
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